How many times have we all say this expression ;

To take a decision to follow a healthier lifestyle is not the easiest thing in the world . For this there are some tricks that make our decision easier.

Love yourself for who they are . Do not make the mistake you match the value of your personality with the possible extra weight .
Make a list of all the reasons why you want to lose weight and stick to your fridge .
Set realistic goals . If the type of your body is curved you can not have another type of model , objectively , there you have it.
Avoid diets Express , because it prevent you realize your relationship with food.
Start a food diary . Mark each day you eat and how you exercise . So you can see your progress and learn from your mistakes .
Forgive yourself for some small mistakes . Nobody is perfect ! If someday bend and eat a slice of pizza , for example , not spoiled and the world ! Proceed with healthy , balanced meals the next day without guilt .
Put variety in your program . Do not fall into the trap of monotony , because you get tired easily and quickly .
Keep notes of your progress . For example , take a photo with your body swimsuit at the beginning of your effort and continue to do this at regular intervals .
Make a gift to yourself as a return of your progress , which can not be associated with food , however , as a new blouse, a massage or whatever makes you feel beautiful.
Try to eject the stress of your everyday life , and especially on the pounds ! A stressful feeling finds refuge in sugar and fat. If the experience you are more likely to overcome those bad eating habits .
 He writes : Efstratia Kontoroucha
 Dietician - Nutritionist

Reprinted with permission from